Index to the Toph Papers
"the Toph Papers" Index
The Toph Papers are a 3000+ pages collection of family histories, that Ms. Toph created in the 1930s (after she retired from teaching) by traveling the county, and gathering family trees/history from as many people as she could, and writing these down. These papers are not part of her 'the Peoples' History' collection. That collection is mainly anectdotal.

The indices are in PDF format. Get the FREE reader by clicking the Adobe Reader logo

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To obtain copies of pages from the Toph Papers,
send an SASE, plus a $5.00 research fee, and copy fees to:
P.O. Box 525
Versailles IN 47042
  Current RCHS copying fees for the Toph Papers are $1.00 a page.


© 06/11/2003 Do NOT steal my work! You may freely link to this page.
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