his wife a kind-hearted Methodist. Next morning, I started
out in the rain, and rode to Jacob Tinker's, where I dined
and fed my horse, and felt very comfortable. Started on,
and passed through Vandalia, and met a very solemn
procession, going to bury one of their respectable citizens,
That night stayed at brother Wollard's, and enjoyed myself
very well. He is a Methodist traveling preacher, Next day
rode to brother Miles', and the following day went to hear
brother Wollard preach, and exhorted after him. We had a
very good class meeting. There was some difficulty in the
Church to settle, which was soon done. That night I tried
to preach at brother Gorman's, and met some old
acquaintances from Indiana. Next day crossed the Mississippi
River at St. Louis, in company with brother Joseph Oglesby.

Here I learned that the company which I expected to join was broken up. I then went on to try to overtake the company that had previously started from Independence, in Missouri; rode twenty-three miles, and that night stayed at Alexander Ove's, near Baldwin. After I laid down, and before I got to sleep, I was- called up to go and pray for a woman that was dying; but when I got there, her husband was not willing that I should pray with her. I then returned back to my bed. Here they treated me very kindly. Next day reached Union, where I stayed with Dr. Chids; preached that night from Ephesians iv, 5: "one Lord, one faith, one baptism." I had some liberty in preaching, and the people paid good attention, and behaved well. Next day I traveled over hish, poor, barren and stony hills, and stayed at Mr. M'Afee's; endeavored to get a preaching place, but the people seemed indifferent about it, so I gave it up. These looked like poor, distressed people. Next morning crossed Gasconade River, and afterwards the Osage River, Here I was mortified to find that I had expended all my money, and had to sell a pair of saddle-bags for two dollars. Stayed that night with Esquire Price. Still traveling over poor hills, I passed next day through Jefferson City. Here I once more saw the Missouri River, preached that night at brother Michael Barger's, to a small congregation, mostly Baptists. They invited me to come back, which I promised to do. Next day had a tedious travel over the wide and rich prairies, and in the evening passed through Georgetown, and missed my way; but reached to house of a fine old man and woman, who were not religious, but treated me very kindly, and charged me to call on them as I returned. Next day traveled through the rich prairies, and reached Warrensburg, in Johnson County. I went to brother Brown's, and asked him if he would let a Methodist preacher preach there that night. He told me there was an appointment made there already for the circuit preacher, who asked me to preach in his place. I did so; we had a comfortable and sociable time. Next day I rode to brother M'Kin's, a Methodist preacher, where I received information that the company at Independence, which was going to the Mountains, had already started ten days